Look on the Bright Side by Kristan Higgins #bookreview #contemporary #romance #womensfiction

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Title: Look on the Bright Side

Author:  Kristan Higgins

Publisher: Berkley

Publication Date: May 28, 2024

Page Count:  431

My rating: 4 stars

About the book:

From the author of Pack Up the Moon comes a funny, romantic, and deeply moving novel about the unexpected rewards that come from life’s detours.

Lark Smith has always had a plan for her life: find a fantastic guy, create a marriage as blissful as her parents’, pop out a couple of kids and build a rewarding career as an oncologist.

Things aren’t going so well.

For one, the guy didn’t work out. Theoretically, she’d love to find someone else, but it hasn’t happened. Two, she’s just been transferred out of oncology for being too emotional. (Is it her fault she’s a weeper?) Three, her parents just split up.

Deviating from the plan was…well, not in the plan. A potential solution comes from the foul-tempered and renowned surgeon Lorenzo Santini (aka Dr. Satan). He needs a date this summer for his sister’s wedding. His ancient Noni wants to see him settled. In exchange, he could make a few introductions and maybe get Lark back into the field of her choice.

As a sucker for old people and fake relationships, Lark agrees. Teeny problem—she instantly falls for his big, warm family. Especially his estranged brother.

Meanwhile, Lark’s mom has moved in with Lark’s colorful landlady, Joy, and an unlikely friendship blossoms. The three women have a long summer and a big beautiful house on the ocean to figure out what’s next…and quite possibly learn that the best things in life aren’t planned at all.

Look on the Bright Side by Kristan Higgins is a new women’s ficiton or contemporary romance novel. The story in Look on the Bright Side is one that is told mainly in the present time but there are a few chapters flashing back to earlier events. This one is also one that changes the point of view between characters however it’s two of the ladies switching the POV and not the male character.

Lark Smith had her life mapped out at a very young age and life most that included marriage, children and a career. Things didn’t exactly go as planned for Lark though when she thought she was in reach of a few of her goals. Now Lark is losing another step on her path when she’s transferred from Oncology to the ER because she can’t stop crying with each terminal patient.

Just as Lark is coming to terms with the move she is contacted by Lorenzo Santini or as he is better known, Dr. Satan. While Lorenzo has made many at the hospital cry Lark tries not to let him affect her when he tosses out an odd proposal, to be his fake date for the summer. Being a sucker for family and grandmother’s in particular Lark couldn’t turn down the request.

Look on the Bright Side by Kristan Higgins is a story that will take you on an emotional roller coaster as you get to know the characters and the backstory to what makes Lark who she is. The side story of Lark’s mother and Ellie, Lark’s landlady, was also enjoyable to read too but Lark really stole my heart early on. I was drawn into this with the whole fake dating trope since I always enjoy those but this one had some nice surprises in store for me that I definitely didn’t expect so hats off to the author since that rarely happens in any genre. Definitely an author and story to check out.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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About the author:
Kristan Higgins is the New York Times, USA TODAY and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of more than twenty novels, wKristan Higgins is the New York Times, USA TODAY, Wall Street Journal and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of more than twenty novels. Her books have been translated into more than 20 languages and have sold millions of copies around the world. Kristan has been praised for her mix of “laugh-out-loud humor and tear-jerking pathos,” which the author attributes to a diet high in desserts and sugar-based mood swings.

Kristan’s books have received dozens of awards and accolades, including starred reviews from People Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Good Morning America, Kirkus, the New York Journal of Books, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, National Public Radio and Booklist. She personally responds to every reader letter she receives, even the mean ones.

Kristan is the mother of two ridiculously good-looking children and the grandmother of the world’s cutest baby. She lives in Connecticut and Cape Cod with her heroic firefighter husband, a rescue mutt and indifferent cat. In her spare time, Kristan enjoys gardening, easy yoga classes, mixology and pasta.

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