Good Girls Don’t Die by Christina Henry #bookreview #horror #thriller #suspense

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Title: Good Girls Don’t Die

Author:  Christina Henry

Publisher: Berkley

Publication Date: Nov 14, 2023

Page Count:  331

My rating: 5 stars

About the book:

A sharp-edged, supremely twisty thriller about three women who find themselves trapped inside stories they know aren’t their own, from the author of Alice and Near the Bone.

Celia wakes up in a house that’s supposed to be hers. There’s a little girl who claims to be her daughter and a man who claims to be her husband, but Celia knows this family—and this life—is not hers…

Allie is supposed to be on a fun weekend trip—but then her friend’s boyfriend unexpectedly invites the group to a remote cabin in the woods. No one else believes Allie, but she is sure that something about this trip is very, very wrong…

Maggie just wants to be home with her daughter, but she’s in a dangerous situation and she doesn’t know who put her there or why. She’ll have to fight with everything she has to survive…

Three women. Three stories. Only one way out. This captivating novel will keep readers guessing until the very end.

Good Girls Don’t Die by Christina Henry is really a suspenseful thriller novel that does have a side of horror to it. The story in Good Girls Don’t Die is one that does change the point of view between the three main characters. The book also has a unique format in almost feeling as if reading three individual novellas that eventually intertwine together for the final chapters.

Celia awakens one day with the sense that things just aren’t right around her and her memory is foggy at best. What Celia does feel is that the house she’s in and the man calling himself her husband aren’t really familiar at all. Then there’s the little girl supposed to be her daughter, she’d remember a daughter wouldn’t she?

Allie is supposed to be going on a fun trip with a few close friends when her friend’s boyfriend decides to invite more people and turn it into a remote camping weekend at a cabin in the woods. Allie is definitely out of her comfort zone but when she falls asleep while driving having no clue how they got to the cabin she can’t help but feel things aren’t right.

Maggie wakes up to being hostage along with a group of other women around her and is told that her daughter is in danger. Willing to do anything to get home safe to her daughter Maggie goes along with what is being requested of her until things start going a little too far and those around her begin dying.

Good Girls Don’t Die by Christina Henry to me was a book that once I picked it up I couldn’t put it down. The story begins following the first character to a certain cliffhanger then jumps to the next and by the time I’ve been introduced to all three women and there situations I was completely in a trance trying to figure out the end. This is probably one that most folks need to suspend a little disbelief but I found it all to be an exciting page turner from start to finish.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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About the author:

Christina Henry is a horror and dark fantasy author whose works include GOOD GIRLS DON’T DIE, HORSEMAN, NEAR THE BONE, THE GHOST TREE, LOOKING GLASS, THE GIRL IN RED, THE MERMAID, LOST BOY, RED QUEEN, ALICE, and the seven book urban fantasy BLACK WINGS series.

Her short stories have been featured in the anthologies CURSED, TWICE CURSED, GIVING THE DEVIL HIS DUE and KICKING IT.

She enjoys running long distances, reading anything she can get her hands on and watching movies with samurai, zombies and/or subtitles in her spare time. She lives in Chicago with her husband and son.

You can visit her on the web at

Author website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Goodreads

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