Almost Missed You by Jessica Strawser

Almost Missed YouAlmost Missed You by Jessica Strawser
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Violet and Finn were one of those couples that everyone though were meant to be. Crossing paths several times in their lives the two finally came together and had gotten married. Now on vacation with their young son the unthinkable happens to Violet. Finn had taken their son for a nap while Violet stayed on the beach to relax. When Violet returned to the hotel room all trace of her husband and son was completely gone.

In the days following Violet is living her worst nightmare when police find no trace of her husband and son. Violet now begins to question did she ever know the man she was married to? Little does Violet know one person in her life knows where Finn is. Caitlin had been friends with Finn long before his marriage to Violet and is now using her secrets against her to help him along.

Almost Missed You to me was somewhat of a dramatic thriller type of read. With Finn’s disappearance right at the start of the story it certainly pulls a reader into it to find out what exactly could have happened to what was thought to be this perfectly happy couple. As the story unfolds it turns in more of a family drama with secrets galore being held by everyone involved.

For the most part of this book I was completely hooked on the drama unfolding and couldn’t wait to see how this one would end. However, I’m not too sure I was completely impressed with the overall ending to this one, it just felt a little off when getting there after being engrossed up to that point so that brought my rating down a tad bit but otherwise I’d recommend this to anyone who loves a twisty journey unraveling family secrets and dramatic suspense.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

7 Comments on “Almost Missed You by Jessica Strawser

    • I know how that feels, I keep seeing reviews for things I passed up on trying to behave and think I should have clicked. LOL Hopefully you’re library will get it pretty quickly when it’s published though. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. We seem to have the same taste in books 😊 I also have this book but haven’t read it yet.
    Great review 👍🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! I hope you enjoy it when you get the chance to read. I was a little earlier than normal but was just in the mood for some suspense. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I hope so too! I’m in the mood for suspense too, which is why I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

        Liked by 1 person

    • I really enjoyed reading it even if I wasn’t a huge fan of the end and it’s getting a lot of other good reviews too. Book festival sounds like fun, hope you have a good time and find lots of good books to read. 🙂


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