Murder at the Spelling Bee (Maya and Sandra Mystery, #4) by Lee Hollis #bookreview #mystery

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Title: Murder at the Spelling Bee

Author:  Lee Hollis

Publisher: Kensington Books

Publication Date: May 21, 2024

Page Count:  276

My rating: 4 stars

About the book:

The murder of a moderator for a school competition spells trouble for Portland P.I. partners and moms Maya Kendrick and Sandra Wallage . . .

Twelve-year-old Rocco Fanelli is a spelling bee champ in the making. He’s the odds-on favorite to win the local middle-school bee and go on to the regionals, the state, and ultimately the nationals. Which is why someone is trying to intimidate him to drop out with a threatening note in his locker. Rocco’s concerned parents hire Maya and Sandra to uncover the culprit and ensure their son’s safety.

But the competition turns killer when a high school teacher who’s running the bee, clearly favoring certain students, is found dead in the school supply closet. Sandra had already confronted Ellie Lambert over unfairly grading her son Ryan—which now makes her a suspect.

She’s not the only one who tangled with the teacher, however, and with suspects ranging from helicopter parents to the school custodian, Maya and Sandra will need to put their heads together to spell out who had the motive and opportunity to silence Ellie Lambert . . .

Murder at the Spelling Bee by Lee Hollis is the third book in the cozy Maya and Sandra Mystery series. As with most cozy mysteries the Maya and Sandra Mystery series is one that has a fully solved mystery within each book so they can be read as a standalone or in any order if choosing to do so. There will be of course be character development that carries over from book to book for those reading from the beginning.

The Maya and Sandra Mystery series is a little different than your average cozy in the fact it has two lead characters and changes the point of view between them to give both sides to the story. Sandra Wallage is a housewife and the PTA president that is married to a scandalous politician. Maya Kendrick is a an ex cop whose husband went to prison and now had become a private investigator that has a huge workload with her partner being pregnant and close to giving birth.

When Sandra’s husband became a victim of a gossipy website called Dirty Laundry outing him as a cheater and then the woman running the Dirty Laundry website was murdered it brought Sandra and Maya together to work the case. After that was solved Sandra found she enjoyed helping Maya and proposed being her new partner. Now Maya and Sandra have been hired by a spelling prodigy’s parents when the boy is threatened right before his big competition. The ladies find that there is a teacher at the school who is clearly favoring some students over others and she just happens to be in charge of the spelling bee. Sandra and Maya of course find themselves attending the competition only to end up as suspects yet again when the teacher in charge is found murdered and before long they have a long list of other suspects to hopefully find the murderer yet again.

I have been reading the Maya and Sandra Mystery series from the beginning and have been a little up and down with my feelings on each book. I really like that there is a real investigator as one of the major characters solving the crimes right along with the other protagonist who is the fish out of water in this case. However some things get a little too political to me at times in the series but thankfully this installment went back to the school setting again so I was more into the story than the previous book. I’d say if you like something a bit out of the ordinary for a cozy though this series might be a good one to try.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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About the author:

Lee Hollis is the pen name for a brother and sister writing team. Rick Copp is a veteran film and television writer/producer living in Palm Springs, California. Holly Simason is an award-winning food and cocktails columnist who lives in North Carolina.

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